Thursday, July 24, 2008

Blog Update

Hi guys,

Now that our little Gabriela is here, we decided we should probably just update ONE blog. So from now on, we'll be posting the latest and greatest on our original blog:

Come learn about our adventures here :)

My Momma Brain and my Fabulous Husband

We were so prepared for our doctor appointment today. We planned to leave early, accounting for any traffic we might run into, and/or any baby feeding/changing delays that may have fallen upon us. Gabriela was a total doll and just hung out happily until it was time to leave, she stayed awake for the car ride and didn't make a peep, and fell asleep as soon as we got there. I was so proud of us for arriving early. Well, little did I realize we were a whole 30 minutes AND ONE WEEK early for our appointment. Whoops.

It wasn't an entirely useless trip. We went to this lounge area that they have and talked with a breastfeeding peer counselor for some tips. During that time, a couple of the midwives stopped by. I got to introduce my mom to the midwife who stayed with us all through the labor at the birth center and then the midwife who stayed with us all through the labor at the hospital (more later on the glorious birth story details). The midwives got to visit with us and the baby.

The best part though, was the report the Ebony gave to my mom about Lane. She said how wonderful he was supporting me through my labor - so much, that she wanted to record him to show to other dads that THIS was exactly what you were supposed to do. She also said if he's anything like he was during labor, that he was going to be a fabulous daddy. Of course, this was when I started crying.

Not only that, Lane brought his famous cookies to share with the midwives, which she said was the icing on the cake. Even more impressive though, was the fact that Lane made them racing back and forth from the kitchen and living room to help me through contractions every 5 or so minutes.

Man, I love that guy.

Our first few days

Gabriela was up all night her first night at home. It was kind of hard not knowing the best thing to do, and also because Lane ended up having to go back to work the next day and wake up at 5 am. Nana came to the rescue and helped us figure things out in the middle of the night.

We decided Gabriela must have been really gassy or something because she slept soooo much better last night. I felt more rested, but Lane was more tired. This was because he just couldn't stop looking at her, singing to her, or taking little videos of her instead of going to sleep.

Can you blame him?

We got a little adventurous yesterday and took a trip to Costco. Today we have an appointment at the Birth Center and tomorrow one at the pediatrician.

When I have more time, I'll post about our birth story.

Wednesday, July 23, 2008

Sleeping Gabriela

Here's Gabriela sleeping like a little baby.

And Nana holding her for the first time.

Tuesday, July 22, 2008

She's Finally HERE!

Baby Gabriela Elena Grover arrived on Sunday evening at 8:43 p.m. She was 8 lbs, 4.8 oz. and 21 inches long.

We think she is the most precious little girl ever.

Saturday, July 19, 2008

Birth Center Update

Well, folks I called the midwives to tell them I was exhausted - the only sleep I've gotten in the past three nights has been drifting off to sleep for maybe 10 minutes at a time in between contractions and how frustrated I was and to ask what the heck I could do to get things going in the right direction.

The midwife on call was at the birth center and suggested we come in to talk about what we could do. She also said this was very typical for first time moms, and not to be TOO surprised or upset if I hadn't progressed much from my last exam on Thursday. Before we walked in the door Lane and I talked about how we shouldn't be focused or frustrated by what the midwife said. My focus was getting some tips from her.

She said I had gone from 1 cm Thursday to between 3 & 4 today, and that getting to 5 was the hardest part. After I'm there, I can be admitted to the center. My cervix is super duper soft and the baby is down low. She said she wouldn't be surprised at all if I was back there to deliver before the night is through. Let me just tell you that I burst into tears. I was so unprepared for GOOD news that I didn't know how to react. What a relief.

She says to focus on resting, eating every 2 hrs and drinking 8 oz every hour and sent me off with a big hug.

Baby isn't in the *best* position right now, but she gave us some tips to help encourage her to scooch into the right one.

And there you have it. Keep thinking those good thoughts - they are working!

Who Knew?

I knew labor would be really intense and difficult, but who knew the first stage could be SOOOOO long?!? We still haven't gone to the birth center yet.

I'm not even in active labor yet, although I have a feeling that's really close and very hopeful that once we get there everything will progress much faster.

Spent all night in the bathtub because I couldn't get comfy laying down and contractions were way too intense laying down.

Our doula was here from 9 am yesterday to 5 am today. We had her go home to take a little break, hoping we'll meet at the birth center sooner than later.

Lane has been wonderful.

More soon.

Friday, July 18, 2008

The Real Deal

We've been up all night since I started having contractions at 7 pm. Man, they stink.

After hearing that things weren't really progressing, Lane and I pulled out all the stops. We went exercising in the pool, went for a walk, climbed six flights of stairs, ate spicy foods, and did some other things.

We did it all on our own throughout the night and decided to ask our doula to come this morning. We're both pretty tired and mostly sleeping in between contractions.

We should go to the birth center sometime this afternoon.

Not sure when you'll hear from us next.

Thursday, July 17, 2008

False Alarm

So, apparently I'm just having "pre-labor" contractions where my uterus is getting ready for the big day. It has to figure things out.

It's kind of disappointing and frustrating that this isn't the real deal.

I was having a lot of contractions last night and was waking up every half hour or so because of them during the night. They are pretty uncomfortable. I have to take a step back and breathe deeply. And it makes me wonder what things are going to be like when I'm actually in REAL labor.

Wish us luck.

Wednesday, July 16, 2008

Still home

My contractions aren't regular yet. I took a nap, and am trying to stay really hydrated. Lane's still at work.

Our doula says lots of births happen on the full moon. Sometimes, labor and delivery and emergency room departments even staff up on the full moon in anticipation of this, apparently.

Well, I checked to see when the next full moon is, and it's July 18th. Happy Birthday to me. I'm hoping Baby Grover will make an appearance before then.

I'm just taking it easy for now. When Lane comes home, maybe we'll go for a walk together or something.

Today *might* be the day!

I think I slept about 2 hours last night. My mind was racing and I was having what I can safely call contractions throughout the night. They weren't too frequent, but certainly more uncomfortable than what I've been experiencing until now.

Lane was exhausted from Monday and went to sleep at 8 pm (thus no belly picture). I thought it was important for at least one of us to get some good rest. He went to work today. I told him I may call and ask him to come home before the day is over.

This morning I put together our co-sleeper (already) and I'm going to go try to get some rest. We'll see what happens!!

Tuesday, July 15, 2008

40 Weeks

Well, it's 40 weeks, and I'm still pregnant!

I'm starting to have regular "tightening" of the uterus. Really, they are contractions, but I hesitate to call them this because they don't hurt at all... at least not yet. Trust me, I know they are going to!

I've decided to start my maternity leave, even though there's no baby in sight yet. I figured this time will allow me to rest up, clean up, prepare and organize a little more, and also give me time to help coax this baby out.

Today I have high hopes of organizing our room more, cleaning the kitchen, cooking and freezing some food, and going for a walk... in the pool. I'm sure after doing just one or maybe two of these things I will need a nap, but that's the beauty of it all. I'll be able to rest no problem.

Think good thoughts. Pictures to come later, when my photographer gets back from work!

Midwife Visit Report

I went to an appointment yesterday and after the new patient orientation spent TWO hours one-on-one with a midwife. We went over my chart, I had a couple tests done that weren't completed before, she answered my questions, we reviewed my packet they gave me to complete about giving birth at the birth center, she gave me an exam, explained the results, and introduced me to the one midwife I hadn't met yet, and we just chit chatted and got to know each other a little bit.

The level of care is SOOO different than from the obstetrician. For example, all this time when I've been getting exams, and they've told me nothing was happening, no one ever explained it like the midwife.

So there are several ways that labor starts progressing. The cervix starts getting soft (CHECK), the position changes from pointing towards the mother's back to moving forward (CHECK), the cervix starts thinning (1/3 of a CHECK - they said I was about 30% effaced), the cervix opens - I'm only 1 cm dilated, but something is happening, and the baby starts descending through the pelvis. The descent level goes from a -4 where it's highest up to 0 to +4 where it's showing and about to come out. The midwife said I was at a -1.

This is WAY more information than "your cervix is closed, g'bye".

We talked about some other things that I tried discussing at the doctor's office previously and I was much more satisfied with our discussions. For example, the whole induction thing. Now I know there comes a point where it's just not safe for the baby to be inside anymore, but I also know that if you have an uncomplicated pregnancy, that point is not 38 weeks, or even 40. The midwife explained that if the baby wasn't born by the 22nd, we'd do a Bio Physical Profile, which would include an ultrasound, measuring the level of amniotic fluid, and some other things to ensure it's still a safe environment. If by the 25th, I'm still pregnant, I should go in for a non-stress test where they'd monitor the baby's heart rate for about 20 or 30 minutes and how it reacts to contractions. And if after all this and the baby STILL hasn't arrived, we may do an induction on the 28th. They even mentioned they'd be willing to hold out another week until Aug 5, if that was what I wanted.

I felt comfortable with the 28th. My doctor's discussions about getting an induction involved making sure we got a spot on the calendar, and I felt I was being pushed into something just as a matter of convenience for the doctor; they didn't even mention anything about tests to make sure the baby could safely stay in the uterus longer.

I really feel like I did the right thing by switching to the midwives. And maybe, I subconsciously wasn't letting myself progress with labor because I felt so uncomfortable at the other practice. who knows.

Sunday, July 13, 2008

2 Days Left - or not?

Not much to report here -

Today I walked back and forth in the pool for a while. It's much more comfortable than going for a regular walk.

I have an appointment at the Birth Center tomorrow for new patients. How much you wanna bet I'm the only new patient whose due date is the very next day?!?!

I may or may not have my belly cast tomorrow, depending on our doula's schedule.

Since I'd be leaving work halfway through the day, I decided to just stay home and try to get some things done. I have a lot of things I want to get ready and cleaned up, but I get so tired after just the littlest thing!

Saturday, July 12, 2008

No Baby Yet - Part 2

I figured I may as well start posting daily so you all know if something is (or isn't) happening.

Here's what it all comes down to:

Still pregnant.

Baby Grover and I went swimming today. It was such a relief to not have all that belly pressure. I started to get out of the pool at one point but decided against it when I felt the enormous pressure in my belly the instant it left the water.

Maybe we'll go for another swim tomorrow.

Thursday, July 10, 2008

You might think I'm crazy...

But at 39 weeks and 2 days pregnant, I've changed doctors. I had just had enough at the other place. I knew they weren't a perfect fit a while ago, but thought I could make it work. After I got home from my ordeal on Tuesday, I called the DC Birth Center and made an appointment to go there today, thanks to Lane's suggestion.

It was worlds different meeting with a midwife. She talked to us for at least an hour - probably longer than all my other visits put together over the past 8 months. She also felt my belly, told me what position the baby was in, and most importantly, I felt so comfortable and at ease.

When she looked at my belly she said I was having a contraction. She said she could tell just by looking at it because it was all tight and the baby was sticking out so far. She showed Lane and had him feel the difference between my contracted and non contracted belly. When she told me that was a contraction, I told her I must have a lot of contractions, because that happens all the time. I had no idea. They are the practice Braxton Hicks kind.

I felt so relaxed and calm after we left. We are going back on Monday for another appointment. Now I can safely call the other doctor office and cancel my upcoming appointment AND the induction appointment at the hospital.


Do yourself a favor if you're ever pregnant and go straight to a midwife.

No Baby Yet

Hey everybody,

I just want to keep you posted as we get closer and closer to the unknown date of Baby Grover's arrival. She's still fairly cozy inside.

We are getting lots of phone calls, emails, messages, and comments from everyone. Thanks for all the love.

I was pretty restless last night, and right now I feel a tiny bit crampy. Could this be a sign? I don't know. But we'll definitely share any new developments on the blog!!

Tuesday, July 8, 2008

Week 39

Okay, I took a nap and ate a delicious dinner and I'm feeling much better than earlier today. Baby Grover keeps growing and moving all around. She's practically done in there. But I'm such a good hostess she doesn't want to leave her cozy little home.
We're ready to meet you, Baby Grover. Come out, come out, where ever you are!


Today I feel like crap. I have no clothes left to wear. Nothing fits, I get SOOOO sweaty and hot and uncomfortable - and this is inside a well air conditioned building, not to mention outside in the 90 degree humidity.

After all this induction appointment business I got a phone call from the doctor's office that they needed to cancel my regular doctor appointment for this week. They had practically no slots left for the entire week, except for one the same afternoon. It didn't really fit in my schedule, but did I have a choice? The lady actually asked me if I was going to show up for the appointment. I asked if she had any other suggestions - there's one appointment, I'm 39 weeks pregnant. Did she think I should skip it?? So I went. I asked them to confirm my induction date, but waited on hold forever until I just decided to ask when I got to the office.

The lady responsible for scheduling the inductions said she couldn't do anything with my request until Dr. Picco came back to town (Thursday) to verify that this was okay. Dr. Picco is the one who TOLD me to make the appointment, who said I needed to, and I needed to by Monday. So I rushed around trying to make all these changes on this deadline and this is what the lady told me. She said Dr. Picco had to make sure it was okay that I wanted an induction. Hello!! I don't want it. I was just trying to follow their stupid rules. She said I had to talk to the doctor I was seeing today about what to do.

Then I waited ages and ages for my appointment. I tried to calm myself down, knowing they are going to take my blood pressure and not wanting them to make any decisions based on an elevated reading.

The doctor was in and out of that room faster than you would believe. He basically told me that my cervix is closed and nothing else is going on. When I tried to ask something he kind of cut me off saying that's it, and was out the door before I could ask him anything else. I went to his office afterward, but by then I was over the fact that I had questions. I figured anything he told me would be rushed and not the kind of detail I was looking for anyway.

So the doctor starts telling me I need to consider scheduling an induction. What is wrong with these people?!?! I told him I already tried doing that, but was given a run around. ANd when I told him the date I wanted he just flat out said I couldn't do it that date. He said only the 21st, the 23rd (our wedding anniversary, by the way), or the 24th. He then proceeded to have the nerve to TELL me he was laughing at me because I thought I could plan everything and you can't plan anything when you have kids - he should know, he has two grown ones.

So I basically felt cornered into picking a new date after all this. I picked the 23rd. Only because the 24th he'd be at the hospital and I don't want him delivering our baby, the 21st was too early, and that left me with the 23rd. By this point, I was just trying not to burst into tears in his office.

Tuesdays have inevitably end up being the day of the week when I cry. I thought those crying Tuesdays would be over with our childbirth classes. Those days are just so long that I get impatient and tired and grumpy. But don't worry, folks. I came through. I just sat on a bench outside and cried and cried because I was so frustrated with my whole day of doctor office dilemmas. Can't they be a little nicer and more caring with ladies who are 39 weeks pregnant in the middle of the summer?!?!?!?

Monday, July 7, 2008

Two for Two

In two weeks we've taken two trips to Costco, been approached by two random strangers, each professing the gender of our baby (male), and each equally crushed, baffled, and flabbergasted when we've informed them otherwise.

Tentative B-day for Baby Grover

So, I'm really not on board with this whole induction thing, but I'm playing by the rules and scheduled a date - the farthest away that I can get away with- in hopes that my many other efforts and pep talks will encourage Baby Grover to come on her own terms before then. Her momma's uber punctual, so I'm hoping she will be too.

The date I've scheduled is July 25th. It's a Friday, which means Lane and I can be at the hospital and his few days off from work can be spent with us at home, instead of at the uncomfortable and unfamiliar hospital. I am supposed to go in the night before for Cervadil gel and then the following morning have my water broken and get pitocin. oh joy.

My mom changed her flight to stay an additional week, leaving August 5th. I'm glad she'll be here. It's such a pain in the butt though to make all these arrangements based on a date that may or may not be "the one". After all this careful thought about which day to pick, making alternate arrangements, and what not the baby could (and hopefully will) come much sooner than that, making all this fretting and planning unnecessary.

I haven't actually received confirmation yet about the date, so put it on your calendars - but only in pencil - my fingers are crossed that this little girl will grace us with her presence before then.

Sunday, July 6, 2008

The Final Countdown!

WOW! Only nine days (or so) left! I can't believe we are in the single digits. I remember when being half way there, or having fewer than 100 days to go sounded so close, but this is the real deal.

Last night we went for a long walk and Lane gave me a foot massage and I drank some raspberry leaf tea, which may or may not help kick the uterus into gear.

I woke up this morning feeling some minimal but frequent tightening of the tummy, feel a little crampy, and noticed that my weight hasn't gone up in the past week and that I'm less swollen in the night. Usually I wake up every few hours and my hands are so swollen, I can hardly make a fist. Today it was hardly any.

I'm starting to look at every little change and thinking it might be the very beginnings of labor. Only time will tell.

We'll definitely keep you updated on the blog.

Thursday, July 3, 2008

Snug as a Bug in a Rug

That's what Baby Grover is. I keep going to the doctor thinking she'll announce what wonderful progress I've made and that labor is just around the corner. But every week I get the same report - nothing. I guess Baby Grover likes her own little space in there. Pretty soon there isn't going to be much more room.

I am starting to get a little nervous about her not coming in time. I want her to arrive - not because I'm SOOOOOO done being pregnant, because I still don't feel that way. I just am dreading the possibility of going in for an induction appointment. The earlier labor gets started, the less likely I will have to keep that appointment I need to make for an induction. I'm procrastinating making it because I feel like making the appointment is resigning to the "fact" that I'm going to have a birth with all the interventions I've been hoping to avoid (pitocin, constant fetal monitoring, limited mobility, and possibly more interventions because of these). And of course, I'm getting excited and anxious to meet her and hold her already.

Think good thoughts to help me coax this baby outta here.

Wednesday, July 2, 2008

Week 38

Well, I made it through one more week. I still don't have that "Get this baby out of me, I'm SO done being pregnant" feeling. Although, I am starting to get a little antsy. When my mom made her arrangements to come out, I thought a week past my due date was plenty of time. Now that it's getting closer, I'm starting to think of how I can encourage Baby Grover to come in time.
My brother David and his wife Tatiana will be in DC the week of July 12th - 19th. He has advised me that I must have the baby during this time, so he can be the first to meet Baby Grover. I'll see what I can manage. :-D
We had an interesting experience last night, as we tried leaving for the last of our child birth classes. I started getting annoyed that Lane wasn't unlocking the door for me to get in the car. But the reason he didn't was that he couldn't - the battery was dead!! This is because we forgot to turn the light off in the car when we installed the car seat on Saturday. Luckily, our neighbors Sean & Jessica came to the rescue by letting us borrow their car. They were so sweet and told us they were going to keep their phones on all night and to call if we went into labor and needed them again. Even more luckily, this happened when we were getting ready to leave for a class, and not the hospital.
I can't help but wonder if every little weird feeling I have is a hint of labor to start soon. So antsy.

For your viewing pleasure, here I am 30 weeks ago. I can't believe how different I look!! Baby Grover has grown tons!! She is still managing to move around a lot inside. Although it's more of a shifting around instead of kicks and rolls and somersaults.
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Monday, June 30, 2008

Sunday, June 29, 2008

Getting Ready for Baby

Well, what can I say, it's 6 am and we just got back inside from a fire alarm experience. That's right, people! I walked down 12 flights of stairs in my present condition. Anyway, I was already waking up every hour or so for various reasons - I messed up my schedule by taking a humungous nap yesterday afternoon, I was hot, I was uncomfortable - that's what happens when you're 9 months pregnant in the summer time... anyway, I decided to use this opportunity to update you on our further preparations for Baby Grover's arrival.

Monday we met with our doula, Tuesday was Childbirth class, Wednesday we stocked up on everything imaginable at Costco, Thursday was our doctor appointment, and yesterday we attended an Infant & Child CPR class. I thought it was very useful - especially the parts about responding to a choking infant. We installed the car seat and Lane, being the super handy daddy that he is, hung up some stuff on the walls.

Here are some pics so you can check it out. I think we might get some little stick-on decorations for the walls so Baby has interesting stuff to look at when she's getting her diaper changed. Goodness knows, we'll be spending a lot of time there!

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Friday, June 27, 2008

How Sweet!

I just love surprises in the mail. Today I got an especially sweet one from our friend Sarah Crawford in Modesto. Sarah had the sweetest baby boy in February, so the whole birthing experience is still very fresh in her mind.

Imagine my surprise to receive a box full of wrapped items from her in the mail today! It was a hospital care package. She gave me all sorts of things I'd need at the hospital, and each one had a little note explaining why I'd need it. Too clever and too cute.

I immediately updated my hospital bags and now feel even more prepared for this adventure. Not only was this super duper sweet, it's also very impressive (and comforting) that the mama of a 4 month old infant has time to prepare something so thoughtful!

Thank you oodles and bunches, Sarah!!!

Delivery Concerns

Everything seems to be going great with the pregnancy. I still don't feel yet like I need to get this baby out of me, but ran into a few little concerns yesterday at my doctor appointment.

My doctor talked about scheduling an induction date, just in case. She said the hospital likes to schedule them two weeks in advance, and I could wait as long as a week past my due date, and it's okay if we don't need the appointment after all, but we should still make plans for it. Here I was, calm as could be about going for the whole natural childbirth thing, and the next thing I know, I'm picturing myself hooked up to pitocin and constant fetal monitoring - exactly what I'm hoping to avoid. Not only that, I'd have to pick a date that is right after my due date because I really, really, really want the baby to be born by the time my mom gets here (July 21st).

Second concern is that as I was making my doctor appointment for the week after next, I found my doctor wasn't available for any of the days I needed. So I asked the appointment scheduling lady what was going on. She went and asked the doctor who confirmed that she'll be on vacation from July 7 to July 11th. Uh, thanks for letting me know, lady. I understand that people go on vacation - it's summer after all. But finding out directly from the doctor would have been nice. Especially since Lane and I were discussing her on call schedule with her just that very afternoon so we'd have an idea of who we'd be working with depending on what day we went to the hospital. It's not like she doesn't know when I'm due. That really annoyed me.

Instead of worrying about which doctor will be there, I just need to focus on what I can do to make it the best experience I can. I'm really hoping to encourage this little girl to arrive early rather than late. Wish us luck!!

Thursday, June 26, 2008

A glimpse into my world

When Katie and I met up last week for sushi and pedicures, she caught a glimpse into my world. Before she even met me at our patio table, she found me answering a stranger's questions. "Yes, I'm due soon - July 15th; No, it's just one; Yes, I'm sure, it's just one." Katie arrives, sees me answering all these questions, I stand up and she gives me a long hug, we greet each other, sit back down at our table, and this lady who had waited so patiently, continued to ask me questions. "We're having a girl, and no we haven't decided on a name yet". Katie was witness to multiple nearly identical exchanges that happened throughout the evening. This is what my life is like these days.

My favorite is when people tell me I'm having a boy, and the look of utter disbelief they have when I break the news that it's a girl. This has happened about 3 or 4 times in the last week.

Just last night as I waddled through the aisles at Costco, a lady told us we were having a boy. When we said it's a girl, her head tilted in disbelief, she had a questioning look on her face, and asked, "really?" like, are you sure? She almost looked like she felt sorry for us for so foolishly believing this. Because, after all, the scientific way of determining the sex of your baby is by looking at the belly. We told her that's what the doctor said and we'd had ultrasounds, and then Lane said the baby would have a lot of problems if he was a boy. I thought he meant because we have a lot of girly stuff. But no, when the lady asked why, his response was, "because he doesn't have a penis".

We all, including the nice lady, had a good laugh at that one.

Tuesday, June 24, 2008

Week 37

It's Week 37 - that's when the baby is officially considered "full term".
Today I noticed that it's easier for me to breathe and walk. Maybe I'm just crazy, but it seemed like my belly button was lower too. I tried comparing my belly to previous weeks pictures to see if it was lower, but I can't see any difference except that it's still growing.
Everyone in my child birth class is saying we might not be there next week. I think it's a combination of the baby possibly dropping and my stories of wanting to get rid of tons of stuff over the weekend. We did just that - Lane and David made a monster good will donation run and we put away ALL the baby stuff. We also hung a cute shelf up above the baby dresser. And I started cleaning out my desk at work, making notes for whoever will be replacing me while I'm out.
Our doula came over last night and gave us some good things to read. We discussed things I should talk to our doctor about and she also gave us lots of tips that we can start using to prepare for getting the baby in the right position and to help encourage labor as we get closer.
Baby Grover still has her head down. And there are still a ton of things I feel like we need to do. But I'm still very calm and collected about delivery and I'm starting to get more excited - it's just around the corner.

Thursday, June 19, 2008

How my pregnant mind works

The other night I had a dream that I was walking and just got so tired I had to sit down in the middle of the sidewalk. When I got back up people were in a big hurry behind me and I just turned around and yelled at them, "give me some space and be patient! Can't you see I'm 8 months pregnant?!?!?"

I was so excited about our successful pediatrician visit and also about scoring a(nother) steal of a deal from Craig's List. We bought a hardly used Tiny Love Gymini Play Mat (regularly $60) for $15. I felt like we were making so much progress, we came home and I cleaned up a little, and wasn't tired at all.

When 3 am rolled around, I was wide awake as can be, worrying about "urgent" things such as making sure we put sheets on our fold out bed for when my mom comes, and putting a hairbrush in my hospital bag and what we should stock up on at Costco before the baby comes so we don't have to worry after she's born.

This is much different than my Sunday which was spent taking three, yes THREE naps, falling asleep during a movie that night and then sleeping through the entire night.

and tonight I'm exhausted.

Wednesday, June 18, 2008

Pediatrician? Check!

Phew, one more thing (and a big one) off the list of things to do - especially since the hospital won't let us leave without having selected a pediatrician. Lane and I met with Dr. Welman today and were very pleased. Her office is just 2 miles away from us. We met with her and a nurse; they both were very friendly and gave us lots of good information.

Before meeting with Dr. Welman, I did what any sane person would do, I googled her. Here's what I found: Click on her picture to watch the video and you'll see why I knew I'd like her before we'd even met.

She went to UC San Francisco, provided care to migrant workers in Salinas, CA for a while, and just has a huge heart and desire to help everyone have the right foundation and health care. Much different than the doctor who wanted to charge me $90 just to talk to them about whether or not I wanted to go to their practice.

Relief. Now if only we can cross some of these other items off our list.

Week 36

On the one hand, I feel like I have a month left to go, which is comforting because there are still many things to be done before this baby is born - finish up our room, install the car seat, find the pediatrician, take a load of stuff to goodwill so baby items fit in our closets, cook and freeze food so we can eat after baby arrives, clean, clean some more, etc.
On the other hand, it could really be much less time. Our child birth class instructor had her baby when she was 36 weeks and 4 days pregnant! It's so hard to believe that we could have our baby any time now. So yesterday I did the only thing that seemed reasonable and necessary given this impending deadline - I got a pedicure. Heavenly.
Over the weekend I (mostly) packed our bag for the hospital. There are a few more things I need to get together, but don't worry, I have a list inside the bag of the last remaining things we need. We also made a huge trip to Babies R Us and bought loads of things that we'll need and thanks to our generous family and co-workers, we paid for it all with gift cards!!
Baby Grover was "head down" at my last doctor appointment. I start going every week from now on. It's so amazing to think that she already has hair on her head, her finger and toe nails are all done, and that she probably has little dimples on her arms and legs. We're excited to meet her.

Monday, June 16, 2008

Staying Cool

It was pretty warm over the weekend, though nothing like last. We stayed cool by going to the pool at our apartment on Friday and Sunday. It's so relaxing to just hang out and read by the pool. The water is super comfortable. I'm usually a giant sissy about getting in water, but I just step right in. And, my big belly feels so much smaller and weightless, although the second I step out of the water, it feels like I'm carrying a giant bowling ball.

Since I never posted a pic of my bathing suit wearing shennanigans in the Outer Banks, here's one before we went out to the pool yesterday. When I sit down, I can't see my bikini bottom at all. I guess I just have to trust that it's there.

Saturday, June 14, 2008

Baby Preparations Update

Thursday night the weirdest thing happened. I woke up around 3 am and realized I was starving! Maybe it was because we had an early dinner the night before, but this has never happened before. I layed in bed for a while thinking, "I can't eat in the middle of the night, that's too crazy!" But I was wide awake, and after much deliberation, got myself out of bed, ate some string cheese, and happily drifted back to sleep. That was a first.

The other day I started looking into some daycare centers in Crystal City. One of them emailed me letting me know their wait list for infants is... (you're going to love this)... ELEVEN MONTHS! Fabulous! I'm going to check out some other places also, but I thought this was kind of ridiculous. I'm really surprised at myself. I'm usually totally OCD Planner Girl and this whole pregnancy/baby thing has kept me really laid back. I'm much more easy-breezy and not really worried about things coming together (SOOOO unlike me). Even now, I figure there are other places, and anyway, it can't hurt to get on a waiting list. I bet people have to give up spots because they aren't ready when their turn becomes available. Plus, there are some family home day cares I can look into as well.

Our infant carseat arrived in the mail yesterday. I really like it. We found out already though that there's a voluntary recall on the base. There are two ways you can attach it in the car - with this LATCH system that doesn't use the seatbelt, or with the seatbelt. They've found a potential problem with the LATCH system, and the carseat is perfectly fine to use with the seatbelt. But we've already arranged to be sent a new base. Here's the link if anyone wants or needs more info:

This weekend I will be doing Take 2 for Hospital Bag packing. I've made a list of what we need to bring. Now I just need to do some laundry and get it done. I've already packed our new diaper bag with a few items for the baby including a cutie outfit to wear home and some of Auntie Theresa's burp cloths just cos.

My friend Jessica's niece was born at Sibley on Wednesday. She was in Michigan at the time, and couldn't get in touch with them. When she texted me asking for visiting hours at Sibley, I cleverly decided I'd give her the number for Labor & Delivery so she could be transferred to her sister's room. I suddenly realized I had no idea what that phone number was and spent a while looking it up on the hospital website, thankful that we weren't in the midst of labor while we were finding out this information. Now, the number is safely stored in my cell phone. phew. I also stored the number for my short term disability claim at work. Seriously, when you're thinking about the people you're going to call after the baby's born, MetLife insurance just doesn't come to mind.

We may venture to Babies R Us this weekend to use our gift cards and stock up on more baby supplies. I also have high hopes of us donating a load of stuff to the goodwill to make more closet space for said baby supplies.

Lots to do, and not much time left!

Wednesday, June 11, 2008

Week 35

35 Weeks pregnant, only 35 days to go, and I still need to get that hospital bag packed. Baby Grover's physical development is practically complete, but she's still putting on the finishing touches. She continues to put on weight, which will help her regulate her body temperature after she's born.

The temps here have been a little out of control. I've been managing well by staying indoors as much as possible and drinking insane amounts of water.

My work had a very sweet baby shower for us three pregnant ladies yesterday.

I'm due on the 15th, Phebean's due on the 17th, and Kristin is due on the 18th!!

Friday, June 6, 2008

Wish Me Luck

Well, it appears the summer is upon us. Temps this weekend are expected to be in the 90s with a heat index of about 110. I have a feeling I will be putting our swimming pool to good use.

Tuesday, June 3, 2008

Week 34

If this little girl were born today she'd be a-okay. But I'm really hoping she'll stick around in there for at least several more weeks. By now her fingernails have reached the ends of her fingertips. And within the next week, my total blood volume will increase in anticipation of birth. This increased blood volume will add two to four pounds of weight!!

Lately, my hips have been hurting at night time and (this is really hot) I'm a sweating machine. You know it's bad when Lane is putting on sweaters, trying to turn off the air conditioning in the house, or rolling up the windows in the car because he's freezing, while I'm complaining of it being hot and stuffy.

I hope to pack my bag for the hospital this weekend and finish putting away all the new baby stuff we've recently acquired.

Lopsided Belly

Here's a pic from last week or so. This is what my stomach looks like most of the time. Baby Grover really prefers to chill out on the right side.

Wednesday, May 28, 2008

Week 33

Dear Lovely Readers,

I have failed you. Alas, between scrambling to get all packed for our trip, running last minute errands, cooking and eating dinner, and going to our child birth class yesterday, we managed to let Tuesday-Picture Day slip by without documenting it.

I would say that I'd try to take a picture today, but it's not likely. Lane is picking me up straight from work and from there, we are driving the 5 hours or so to the Outer Banks where we'll have plenty of time to relax and take all the pictures we want.

Baby continues to move around like crazy. We met with a potential doula on Sunday and I had a doctor appointment yesterday. Everything seems to be progressing well, except that we still need to select a pediatrician.

Monday, May 26, 2008

Baby Clothes Galore!

I woke up early to wash all our baby clothes so I could sort and put them away in our new dresser. They weren't all the way dry when I took them out so I set them out to dry a little bit extra. Lane got out of bed and wandered sleepily into the living room. He was quite shocked to see that baby clothes had completely taken over our apartment!

Saturday, May 24, 2008

Where, oh Where to Birth

So we checked out the hospital the other week, and were pleased with what we saw. But as we get closer to actually having the baby, we are reading about hospital births and all the interventions they are so eager to push on you (pitocin, epidurals, etc.) and routine procedures that can impair mobility during birth (constant fetal monitoring, IVs, etc). I just started questioning whether I even wanted to give birth in a hospital at all.

Birth Center births are so much more flexible. The midwives and attendants view birth as a totally natural process, not some medical procedure. They are focused on helping you be confident and having a beautiful birth experience, whereas doctors are trained to find things that are wrong, and sometimes do even when there isn't. Birth centers are also usually affiliated with or close to hospitals, in case complications occur and you do need a doctor's care during delivery.

I called a birth center in Alexandria and was so disappointed, yet not really surprised, that they are booked until November. There is only one other birth center in our area and it's in DC. I was convinced I'd switch over to them. I scheduled my first doctor appointment, got the fax number to have my records switched over and everything. Then I took a step back and thought I better at least take a look at the place before ditching my doctor and hospital.

My mom drove with me to the DC Birth Center on Friday. The birth center is not metro accessible and we had to drive through tons of terrible traffic (and the ghetto) just to get there. It wasn't that easy to find either. We got there and the people were very nice. They gave us a tour of the facility. I tried picturing myself giving birth there and, after all my excitement, I just couldn't. It didn't feel right at all. So after all that, I canceled my appointment and decided to stick with the hospital birth, same doctor, and just get a doula to help support us in having the kind of birth that we hope for.

My class is really helping me to find what I want in this birth experience, the right questions to ask, and to be an active participant, instead of just letting this happen to me. Even though I'm still going to the same place, I feel better having researched other options and deciding where I'll be instead of just being told where to go by the doctor.

Wish us luck as we get closer.

Wednesday, May 21, 2008

Week 32

Baby Grover should be about 4 pounds or so by now. She is supposed to gain one third to one half of her total birth weight in the next seven weeks. I continue to gain 1 pound per week (or so), and about half of that should go directly to the baby’s weight. Maybe that’s why I’m so hungry all the time again! Just the other day I woke up before 6 am and starving!! They say by now some babies have a full head of hair, while others only have peach fuzz. I’m guessing our little girl has lots of hair.

I don’t have much energy these days, but I try to keep up by taking afternoon naps here and there. It’s so hard because the littlest things make me tired! I get all short of breath just walking to the metro.

Last night we got home from our childbirth class after 10 pm and I was ready to fall over. Lane insisted that we not let our readers down and stick to our Tuesday Picture Day schedule. I had other thoughts. Standing AND smiling were two thing I didn't want to do last night, but I did it for YOU!!

Tuesday, May 20, 2008

Baby Shower Madness

Sisters - I had just finished crying right before we took this picture.

So the shower was on Saturday, and if I might say so myself, it was a great success. This was not my doing, but that of my wonderful family who worked so hard to make it all come together.

First, my sister-in-law Kryztie made and sent out all the invitations.
David was in charge of the appetizers and boy, did he take this responsibility seriously. He decided his theme should be BACON. What else? So he made bacon wrapped dates, and then marinated some shrimp in a garlic-chili sauce, and wrapped shrimp and a mango slice in, you guessed it, bacon! We also had delicious fresh fruit, assorted cheeses, and crab stuffed mushrooms.

He and Lane bbq’d the tri-tip and chicken that was marinating in a bbq sauce made by Cynthia. My mom took care of the pasta salad, the green salad, and the roasted mixed veggies, while Theresa conquered the dessert arena. She concocted a tiramisu, a chocolate mint crazy cake, and an insanely delectable coconut mango cheesecake. When people told me how delicious the food was, I had to step back a minute and then I realized it – I could not claim fame to any of these masterpieces! All I made was the vinaigrette for the salad.

Cynthia and Phil lugged load after load after load of stuff downstairs to the party room. And Phil and Lane came up with a solution for music. Cynthia made sure everyone wrote us a message in our guest book and recorded all the gifts for the thank you notes I’ll be writing soon. Theresa and my brother Matthew made these darling bookmarks to pass out as favors, and my mom organized a cute little game. (By the way, in case anyone is wondering, my waist is NOT 66 inches across!!) Everyone helped clean up and get all our supplies and the lovely presents back to the apartment.

I really enjoyed having so many of our friends, and surprisingly, so many of our family there to share the special day with us. There was lots of good company, laughs, and delicious food.

I am amazed by how many crafty and talented people already love this little baby. My mom crocheted us a blanket and so did my sister, Theresa. Meliss quilted a blanket, and Adrienne learned to knit and made me another blanket. Andrew (soon-to-be-Athlete-of-the-Year-in-Hawaii)’s mom made a lovely blanket by hand, and Ida-Jean, a woman who I knew at my old Red Cross chapter, made a baby blanket as well (and a baby bunting and a hat and booties). I also have a baby blanket my nana gave me for Christmas in 2002. So now, I have a baby blanket for every day of the week. They are all so special and totally different – different styles, different colors, different weights. We have one lucky little girl.

A humungous thank you to everyone who worked so hard to create a special day for Lane and Baby Grover and me. We love you and appreciate everything you did to make this happen!! Muah!

(pictures coming soon)

Thank Goodness For My Mom

I cannot tell you how much I appreciated having my mom visit for almost a week. It was great to visit with her and spend time chit-chatting and talking all things baby. Not only that, she took fabulous care of me! I’d come home from work to find dinner on the table, she’d massage my back, and do all sorts of things to help around the house. She was so cute, and said it was good practice for her to learn where everything belongs so she can be extra helpful when she comes back in July. I know I am going to need her extra support and mom knowledge after Baby Grover arrives. I’m so lucky that she’s coming back in just two short months.

Tuesday, May 13, 2008

Week 31

Only NINE weeks left!! Baby Grover is gaining weight faster than she is lengthening. She is going to run out of wiggle room in there pretty soon! It seems like she is constantly moving around. Baby Grover's iris color is developing now, although her true eye color won't be apparent until she is six or nine months old.

I have been getting so tired lately and it's getting more and more difficult to get around. It's kind of hard to get comfortable - whether it's sitting at my cubicle all day or trying to sleep at night. I'm a trooper though.

Tonight my mom gets into town AND we have our childbirth class.

Monday, May 12, 2008

Happy Mother's Day to Me!

On Saturday morning, Lane and I made a delicious breakfast together, as we normally do on the weekends. But when it was time to eat he told me I'd better hurry because I needed to go soon. I stopped for a minute confused, thinking I hadn't scheduled anything for us. Little did I know, that my clever and sweetheart of a husband made me an appointment for a pregnancy massage in honor of my first mother's day :) I came back feeling glorious!

I got my first mother's day card from Katie and an e-card from the SB Grovers, and lots of sweet wishes from other friends and family.

Happy Belated Mother's Day to all you mamacitas out there.

Friday, May 9, 2008

Less Than 10 Weeks Left!

Apparently the arrival of week 30 came with an added super bonus. Uncomfy nights that involve waking multiple times and trying (mostly unsuccessfully) to get comfortable and back to sleep.

My feet still look a little swollen, but probably only to me. They just aren't all boney looking anymore, so they basically look like a normal person's feet.

Baby Grover has been hiccuping lately. She is also hosting daily dance parties, because my stomach moves around like crazy!! And when people ask me when I'm due and I tell them I have a little more than 2 months to go, they are really surprised. I think they assume I'm due any day. I don't blame them. I don't really understand how I can continue to grow for that much longer.

I've been having tidbits of baby dreams - rocking a baby, and cleaning up spit up. ;)

Tuesday, May 6, 2008

Week 30

In the last six weeks, Baby Grover has nearly doubled in height to about 16 or 17 inches. She should only gain a few more inches before her grand entrance. Her eyebrows and eyelashes are fully formed, and any hair she has on her head (I'm guessing there's quite a bit) is white because it doesn't have any pigment to it yet.
I'm getting bigger and bigger every day. I'm starting to get a little achy right under my ribs.
Our class started last night officially. I think we have a nice group of people. When class first started I think I was actually a little nervous. I don't know if it was because I was in a room full of people I didn't know or if it was because the immediacy of this whole parenting thing became real. There's a doula/massage therapist in our class that I have my eyes on. The further along we get, the more interested we are in the possibility of hiring a doula.
We saw the coolest video at our class. A brand newborn baby was placed on its momma's stomach right after birth. We watched the baby scoot up the momma's tummy, find her breast (all on its own), and start to nurse. It was unbelievable and totally precious.

Monday, May 5, 2008

Maternity Tour

We made it to the hospital in time for the tour on Sunday. It was a close one though - Saturday night Sean reminded us that because of road closures for a cycling race, we'd be unable to drive our car out of the parking garage. So we found out how to take the metro and the bus and made it there with perfect timing.

We were pleased with the delivery area, although the recovery rooms seem kind of tiny. I can see why people are so anxious to get home. Here's a link to the area so you can see for yourself:

The best part wasn't even an official part of the tour. We ran into a Labor & Delivery nurse who was available to answer lots of our questions. It was very reassuring to hear how she would handle things.

It was also kind of surreal to actually be in the hospital with these new moms and dads and itty bitty infants, thinking that will be us in 10 weeks!!! WOW!

We pre-registered at the hospital while we were there so it should be much easier when we arrive for the real deal.

Thank you, Nana & Papa!

My mom and dad got us this lovely dresser for Baby Grover. Lane did a good job putting it all together on Saturday afternoon. We love it and can't wait to fill it all up with cutsie outfits for our little girl!

Wednesday, April 30, 2008

Birthworks is the best!

We went to our first childbirth class last night. It was actually the last class of the previous session. The instructor suggested we attend this class on postpartum and breastfeeding, so we don't miss it in case Baby Grover is born early. (The last class is scheduled for July 1)

Susan, our instructor, holds classes in her home. There are no more than 6 couples and it's a really intimate, friendly setting. Everyone raved about how wonderful the class was and how they'd all gotten to know each other very well and how much better they felt about the process.

I'm really looking forward to learning tools to help us through the birthing process, to becoming more confident about it all, and also to make some good friends along the way. I just wanted to hug Susan when we left!

I think this class is right up my alley. I even cried last night when class was ending (oh, the hormones!) but seriously, we lit a candle and said this blessing:

Bless these babies' minds that they may be filled with wisdom and dreams
Bless these babies' eyes that they may have clarity of vision and see goodness.
Bless these babies' hearts that they may give and receive love.

I bless this baby to be filled with my unending love. From the center of my heart, I nurture, guide and teach this child and wish the best upon this precious new soul.

Actually, I read along, I was too busy crying to vocalize the words.

I have such a good feeling, not only about this class, but this insanely calm feeling about giving birth. I don't really feel scared or intimidated. I only hope this feeling continues and gets stronger as we get closer (only 11 weeks to go!).

Looking forward to class next week.

Tuesday, April 29, 2008

Week 29

Guess who's feeling much better!

According to my sources, Baby Grover should weigh about 2.5 to 2.7 lbs right now. She is already a little overachiever - our ultrasound yesterday indicated she weighed 3 lbs 1 oz. It's extra important that I get enough calcium these days because the baby is soaking up tons of it to strengthen her skeleton. Her head is also getting bigger to make room for her developing brain. Baby Grover's eyes continue to develop, and can distinguish bright lights through the uterine wall. My sources also say that this is the height of Baby's fetal movement - and whoa, they aren't kidding! I think I felt her moving around ALL day yesterday!!

Sunday evening, as Lane and I were watching my tummy, it popped out on one side and just kept rolling down the side of my stomach. It must have been one of her little legs or arms stretching out or something. Pretty wild.

No promises about when we'll get this week's picture up - Tonight I'll be home for maybe 1 hour after work, during which we will scarf down some dinner and then head back to the city to our first child birth class.

Monday, April 28, 2008

Baby Check Up

So we had our last ultrasound today. The doctor wanted to check us out again since the placenta was extra close to the cervix last time. They say if it's less than 2 cm away, they might have to do a C-Section because the placenta could detach prematurely, putting the baby in danger and causing way too much bleeding for a normal delivery. yikes. At my 20 week ultrasound the measurement was only 1.8 cm.

I'm pleased to say that Baby Grover and her placenta are on their good behavior and the distance is now 3.4 cm. She is doing really well - the sonographer checked her bladder, stomach, and kidneys and measured her all up. Baby Grover currently measures at 29 weeks and 3 lbs, 1 oz. We could see her heart beating and see her practicing her sucking and swallowing. We just think she is a cutie pie!

Yesterday we tried to visit the hospital for a Maternity Tour, but we left late AND got a little lost so it didn't quite work out as planned. We are going to try Take Two next Sunday. We still drove there to find out where it is so we don't get lost next time. Wish us luck!

Saturday, April 26, 2008

Nana's Coming to Visit!!

I was so happy to hear my mom made her flight arrangements. She arrives on July 21st - so that is now my official due date by which to have this little girl. Baby Grover can't wait to meet her Nana : )

Friday, April 25, 2008

Preggo Sicky

I started to feel the sore throat madness on Sunday night. It has made some new friends including a stuffy nose, and as a result is having a hard time saying goodbye. I guess it didn't help that I had to go out of town to co-teach an 8 hour course and talk all day, but I'm still a total sicky this Friday am. I've been staying super hydrated, coming home from work early and resting, drinking tea, eating soup, and gargling with Listerine to soothe my throat, taking some tylenol, which is the only medicine I know I can safely take. I don't know what more I can do to kick this sore throat. grr.

I also seem to have my first trimester pregnancy hormones back in full swing. It was kind of funny because we read our Pregnancy Journal for the day and yesterday's entry said pregnancy is one of the three times in a woman's life (puberty and menopause are the others) when she has a lowered ability to deal with the emotional experiences of life. We went to bed later, Lane had his arm around me, and then he rolled over (away from me). I don't know what my deal is, maybe the combo of sickness and hormones, but I BURST into tears and I couldn't stop crying. It's totally ridiculous.

Lane is such a sweetheart though. He just held me and was so patient, loving, and understanding and not at all frustrated or acting like I was a crazy. I was thinking about how wonderfully he reacted and all the other ways he could have and it warmed my heart so much I cried a little more.

Tuesday, April 22, 2008

Week 28

Well people, we have just entered the third and final trimester of this pregnancy! We are only plus-or-minus 84 days away from meeting this little cutie-patootie.

This week, Baby Grover weighs just about 2.5 pounds and is approximately 15 inches long. She is able to blink her newly eyelashed eyes and her main job these days is packing on the pounds. Her momma seems to be doing the same.

I have been so proud to say I haven’t been sick this entire pregnancy. That is, until now. A sore throat made an unfortunate and unwelcome appearance over the weekend, and I’m starting to wake up lots during the night these days. So goodbye restful nights of full sleep, I’ll catch you again in about three years or so. And by the way, you can peace out any time, sore throat. I won’t miss you one tiny bit.

In other blogworthy news, Betsy, my wonderful volunteer presented me with another gift for Baby Grover last week. Before revealing this present she told me that she was going to give me something no other moms around here would have. She said not even my doctor or the baby’s pediatrician would have one, or even anyone else at the hospital. Of course I was getting very curious. She also said that it was from Japan, where her daughter lives, and that she had given one of these gifts to a cousin before. When the cousin saw it, she thought it was the grossest thing ever, but now she really likes it and asked her to bring back more on her next trip to the US. So Betsy said her daughter brought a bag full, and she snagged one for me. Aren’t you just dying with curiosity?!? I sure was. And here it is:

Apparently, you put one end in the baby’s stuffed up nostril, and the other end in your mouth. Then you suck out all the yuckies so baby can breathe again. Don’t worry, it goes in a separate area, not in your mouth – that would be gross. But it’s still a little strange. Apparently, it’s supposed to work much better than those blue suction things you get at the hospital. I’ll let you know how it goes. I have to play it by ear though, because I can’t understand any of the instructions on the box.

p.s. Right now the last thing I feel like doing is taking a picture. I'm so tired and sicky feeling. But don't lose hope. I may still suck it up and take a picture before bedtime.
So those are tears in my eyes in the second picture - Lane made me laugh so much I started crying and that happened to be the best belly pic. Go figure.

Tuesday, April 15, 2008

Week 27

Exactly 3 months from today or 13 weeks from now, is Baby Grover’s estimated due date. The thought that she could even be here sooner than that is a little stressful, since we have so much preparation to do still, but we are very excited. Time is sure flying by.

Baby Grover weighs just about 2 pounds right now, and if she stretched her body all the way out, she’d measure almost 14.5 inches long. Her eyes, which have been closed for the last few months, should begin to open any day now and her eyelashes are forming. She continues to gain layers of baby fat and her lungs are capable of functioning now, should she be born prematurely. This girl likes to move around a lot! She gets more and more active each day!

And, I’m starting to feel more and more pregnant as the weeks go by. I walk much slower these days, and don’t even bother trying to catch the train when I can see it’s arriving in just one minute. Last night I had to take off my wedding rings because my fingers are getting a little swollen. I also noticed my shoes were extra snug this morning, so my feet must be swelling up as well. When I put my rings away, I came across a ring my mom gave me a long time ago. She said she used to wear it when she was pregnant with me. The ring is usually a little big on me, but fits me just fine now. And I think it’s only fitting that I wear it while I’m pregnant with my first daughter.

I can’t believe we start our childbirth class two weeks from today!

Sunday, April 13, 2008

Thoughts on Child Birth

So many people ask if I'm going to go for the drugs during labor. I've been really hesitant to make a decision either way. It's so intimidating - not only do I have NO idea what to expect, I don't want to feel like I've failed before I even start being a mom. But I feel like I know what direction I want to go in.

This weekend I finished reading Ina May's Guide to Childbirth by Ina May Gaskin. It was a fabulously enlightening book, and incidently, the same book the Lieutenant Commander on the Metro recommended to me ages ago. The first half is a ton of birth stories from women who had natural childbirths. The second is more informative, talking about how deep the connection between the mind and body is during labor, what happens during childbirth and labor, how to cope, and the differences between medical/technological care and midwifery care. I highly recommend it.

While most stories you hear about child birth are these horrific and terrifying war stories, all the stories in this book were very positive and encouraging. Don't get be wrong, these ladies weren't saying it was easy breezy, but they were definitely more in tune with their bodies and how to respond.

I also just saw this documentary today called The Business of Being Born. I was a little nervous to watch it because it's about the pros of at home births and produced by Ricki Lake. I was sort of expecting a sensationalized expose on the absolute horrors of hospital births. But it was actually quite balanced while showing numerous home births (including Ricki Lake's which was a little weird).

Ina May was interviewed in this film, she wrote the book I just finished, and she's on the board of Birth Works, the child birth class Lane and I just registered for.

Basically, the philosophy is belief that the woman's body instinctively knows what to do. They focus on building confidence and providing tools and resources to use during childbirth, without prescribing a certain way to give birth (natural or not) because they believe every birth experience is unique. I am really excited about it.

I guess after all this, I'm finally ready to say that I want to try the natural childbirth experience. I want to believe in my body's ability to guide this baby into the world. I'll have some challenges I think by doing this in the hospital, but I'm willing to give it a go.

I am pretty much decided about next time already. Next time I'll go to a midwife and have the baby at a birth center.

Wish me luck as I try to prepare myself for this!

Tuesday, April 8, 2008

Week 26

Baby Grover is just about 14 inches long now. The nerve pathways in her ears are finishing developing, which means she should be increasingly more responsive to sounds. Her eyes are almost fully formed, her lungs continue to develop and she’s working on strengthening her spine. What a busy little bee!

I’m finally starting to feel like a pregnant lady. Actually, I feel more like my body is broken. I have some lower back pain, and am not able to move around as quickly as before.

On Thursday I started my prenatal yoga class which I found to be relaxing and helpful at the same time. Our class ranges from people who are 8 weeks Prego to about 36 weeks! Today I registered for May’s prenatal yoga class, in addition to a child birth class for the Birth Works childbirth method that starts at the end of this month. I’m reading Ina May’s Guide to Childbirth and getting bigger by the moment.

The third trimester is just around the corner!

Belly Love from the Grovers