Wednesday, May 21, 2008

Week 32

Baby Grover should be about 4 pounds or so by now. She is supposed to gain one third to one half of her total birth weight in the next seven weeks. I continue to gain 1 pound per week (or so), and about half of that should go directly to the baby’s weight. Maybe that’s why I’m so hungry all the time again! Just the other day I woke up before 6 am and starving!! They say by now some babies have a full head of hair, while others only have peach fuzz. I’m guessing our little girl has lots of hair.

I don’t have much energy these days, but I try to keep up by taking afternoon naps here and there. It’s so hard because the littlest things make me tired! I get all short of breath just walking to the metro.

Last night we got home from our childbirth class after 10 pm and I was ready to fall over. Lane insisted that we not let our readers down and stick to our Tuesday Picture Day schedule. I had other thoughts. Standing AND smiling were two thing I didn't want to do last night, but I did it for YOU!!


Anonymous said...

your readers appreciate it. you look so cute! I love your maternity clothes:)

Cynthiaclower said...

Oh pobrecita! You're almost there!! Just a couple more weeks and we'll all get to see this cutesie pie. AND your mommy will be there to help out and cook and give back rubs. Hang in there. Lots of love!!!

Jacquilyn said...

I was talking to Jen Garcia last night and she told me about your blog. Congradulations on the new one. The last weeks are hard at lest for me I couldn't sleep I was so uncomforable.

Jacquilyn Dawson (Jacqui Griffin)