Thursday, June 26, 2008

A glimpse into my world

When Katie and I met up last week for sushi and pedicures, she caught a glimpse into my world. Before she even met me at our patio table, she found me answering a stranger's questions. "Yes, I'm due soon - July 15th; No, it's just one; Yes, I'm sure, it's just one." Katie arrives, sees me answering all these questions, I stand up and she gives me a long hug, we greet each other, sit back down at our table, and this lady who had waited so patiently, continued to ask me questions. "We're having a girl, and no we haven't decided on a name yet". Katie was witness to multiple nearly identical exchanges that happened throughout the evening. This is what my life is like these days.

My favorite is when people tell me I'm having a boy, and the look of utter disbelief they have when I break the news that it's a girl. This has happened about 3 or 4 times in the last week.

Just last night as I waddled through the aisles at Costco, a lady told us we were having a boy. When we said it's a girl, her head tilted in disbelief, she had a questioning look on her face, and asked, "really?" like, are you sure? She almost looked like she felt sorry for us for so foolishly believing this. Because, after all, the scientific way of determining the sex of your baby is by looking at the belly. We told her that's what the doctor said and we'd had ultrasounds, and then Lane said the baby would have a lot of problems if he was a boy. I thought he meant because we have a lot of girly stuff. But no, when the lady asked why, his response was, "because he doesn't have a penis".

We all, including the nice lady, had a good laugh at that one.


Anonymous said...

I love the people who swear up and down that you're having a boy or a girl...I had so many people tell me that I was definitely having a boy, or definitely having a girl. It's so funny how everyone thinks they can tell just by looking at you! It's entertaining the first few times, but gets old very quickly, doesn't it. At least you only have to endure it for a couple more weeks (or maybe sooner!)

Patrick and Crystal said...

Don't you just love how people think that becuase you are pregnant you must want to talk to them, let them touch your belly, and hear their advice? Lane's comment was so funny! I'm glad you two have a sense of humor about it. Believe it or not, it continues after the baby is born! People will tell you all kinds of things to do to or with your child and the worst is when they say "oh she's so big! (or so small)". You just want to carry a sign around saying "my child is exactly perfect just the way she is!"

Heather said...

that lane! hang in there, beautiful. can't wait to meet your little one.