Thursday, July 3, 2008

Snug as a Bug in a Rug

That's what Baby Grover is. I keep going to the doctor thinking she'll announce what wonderful progress I've made and that labor is just around the corner. But every week I get the same report - nothing. I guess Baby Grover likes her own little space in there. Pretty soon there isn't going to be much more room.

I am starting to get a little nervous about her not coming in time. I want her to arrive - not because I'm SOOOOOO done being pregnant, because I still don't feel that way. I just am dreading the possibility of going in for an induction appointment. The earlier labor gets started, the less likely I will have to keep that appointment I need to make for an induction. I'm procrastinating making it because I feel like making the appointment is resigning to the "fact" that I'm going to have a birth with all the interventions I've been hoping to avoid (pitocin, constant fetal monitoring, limited mobility, and possibly more interventions because of these). And of course, I'm getting excited and anxious to meet her and hold her already.

Think good thoughts to help me coax this baby outta here.

1 comment:

Heather said...

sending good labor inducing thoughts and vibrations your way, baby! maybe that's what you're doing right this minute... going into labor. hugs and kisses.