Thursday, July 17, 2008

False Alarm

So, apparently I'm just having "pre-labor" contractions where my uterus is getting ready for the big day. It has to figure things out.

It's kind of disappointing and frustrating that this isn't the real deal.

I was having a lot of contractions last night and was waking up every half hour or so because of them during the night. They are pretty uncomfortable. I have to take a step back and breathe deeply. And it makes me wonder what things are going to be like when I'm actually in REAL labor.

Wish us luck.


Leanne said...

awwww...good luck! when does your momma get there?

Anonymous said...

we're thinking of you! you will do wonderfully with all the love and support you have!!

Anonymous said...

You're uterus has to "figure things out". That there's funny, I don't care who you are.

Mom said...

Good Luck, Sweetie
Hope you have a good night's rest.
Love you.