Friday, July 18, 2008

The Real Deal

We've been up all night since I started having contractions at 7 pm. Man, they stink.

After hearing that things weren't really progressing, Lane and I pulled out all the stops. We went exercising in the pool, went for a walk, climbed six flights of stairs, ate spicy foods, and did some other things.

We did it all on our own throughout the night and decided to ask our doula to come this morning. We're both pretty tired and mostly sleeping in between contractions.

We should go to the birth center sometime this afternoon.

Not sure when you'll hear from us next.


Anonymous said...

AW! Take care, Elena! The stinky part should be over very be replaced by a new stinky part that will involve diapers!

Hugs hugs hugs!

Crawfords said...

Happy birthday, Elena! And hopefully a happy Birth-Day as well!!! I'll be thinking about you guys all day and can't wait to hear about your experience, but mostly I want to hear what that little girl's name is.

Crawfords said...

happy I wonder what "other things" are? Lets get this baby out of there!


Mom said...

Well, it looks like Baby Grover doesn't want to share a birthday with Mom. I guess we'll welcome you tomorrow.
Love you.

Anonymous said...

keep us posted, mom!

Adrienne said...

It's the middle of the night out there...good time to be having a baby...

We can't wait to hear what's going on!!!

xoxoxo SB Grovers

Mom said...

Our new baby is like her mom was--would rather just stay put.
Come on, little one. It's time to meet the rest of us.
Hang in there, guys (like you have a choice!).

Love you.