Tuesday, July 8, 2008

Week 39

Okay, I took a nap and ate a delicious dinner and I'm feeling much better than earlier today. Baby Grover keeps growing and moving all around. She's practically done in there. But I'm such a good hostess she doesn't want to leave her cozy little home.
We're ready to meet you, Baby Grover. Come out, come out, where ever you are!

1 comment:

Crawfords said...

Make sure you have that baby on the 12th, cuz that's what day I guessed for your baby pool! You're so close, but the thing that sucks is that you think the baby will come in 7 days or less, but there's always that voice in the back of your mind that thinks "She might not be here for two weeks beyond that!" I just didn't let myself think that the baby might be late, I kept thinking early early early!
Will you pop on here and just write "Yay, I'm in labor" when it starts?? :)
Ben and I check your blog everyday, just waiting in anticipation. I can't wait to hear how everything goes, when it gets going!!