Tuesday, April 15, 2008

Week 27

Exactly 3 months from today or 13 weeks from now, is Baby Grover’s estimated due date. The thought that she could even be here sooner than that is a little stressful, since we have so much preparation to do still, but we are very excited. Time is sure flying by.

Baby Grover weighs just about 2 pounds right now, and if she stretched her body all the way out, she’d measure almost 14.5 inches long. Her eyes, which have been closed for the last few months, should begin to open any day now and her eyelashes are forming. She continues to gain layers of baby fat and her lungs are capable of functioning now, should she be born prematurely. This girl likes to move around a lot! She gets more and more active each day!

And, I’m starting to feel more and more pregnant as the weeks go by. I walk much slower these days, and don’t even bother trying to catch the train when I can see it’s arriving in just one minute. Last night I had to take off my wedding rings because my fingers are getting a little swollen. I also noticed my shoes were extra snug this morning, so my feet must be swelling up as well. When I put my rings away, I came across a ring my mom gave me a long time ago. She said she used to wear it when she was pregnant with me. The ring is usually a little big on me, but fits me just fine now. And I think it’s only fitting that I wear it while I’m pregnant with my first daughter.

I can’t believe we start our childbirth class two weeks from today!

1 comment:

Anonymous said...

you're looking really good mama, but I'm not sure how you have 3 months left in you!!