Monday, January 7, 2008

Baby Grover is Growing!

Lane and I had our appointment today for routinely recommended Down Syndrome testing. A blood test along with a specialized ultrasound in which they measure the thickness of the skin in the back of the neck is a good indicator of whether or not the baby will have Down Syndrome. They said the skin measurements are perfectly normal. We don't get the blood results back for a week or so, but we're sure everything will be fine.

I'm so glad Lane was able to get off of work so we could attend this appointment together. We saw so much of Baby Grover - little fingers, arms, toes, some ribs, a spine, legs and little feet, and we could see Baby Grover move its tiny arms around. It was amazing. Here are the pics so you can see for yourself. Of course, they aren't as detailed as the live images on the ultrasound. But you can see the little spine :)

Lane said that he's sure the baby has my cheek bones.

1 comment:

morethangray said...


Baby Grover is beautiful! I'm relieved to hear the Down's tests were normal. You and Lane will be excellent parents regardless, but things are likely to be less complicated this way...