Tuesday, March 18, 2008

Week 23

It seems like I was just 17 weeks pregnant, and now there are only 17 weeks left to go. This week, Baby Grover is just over 11 inches long and her unique little hand and footprints are forming.

After recently signing up for prenatal yoga classes, I’ve also signed Lane and myself up for a Baby Care Basics class and an Infant and Child CPR class.

In other Baby Grover news, we decided that once we choose a name for our little girl, we will keep it a surprise until she's born. But at the rate of progress we are making, we probably won’t know her name until after she’s born either!

I have been getting numerous suggestions at work, some just silly and others for real. So I decided to make a Baby Grover Name Suggestion Box. It is right by our goodies table at work, so people are regularly submitting their entries. I have also received suggestions from family members. My mom suggested Maria Elena (her name) and reminded me that she named her daughter after her mom. David thinks I should get ahead of the curve and name our daughter Davida, before everyone else catches onto the name. And my brother, Timothy Alexander suggested the name Alexandria.
I must now look super pregnant, without a doubt. Because as I stepped onto the metro yesterday THREE people simultaneously offered me their seats on the metro. I felt a little guilty because really, I'm not feeling the weight, I'm not tired, and I feel completely okay standing up or walking places. My once pregnant sister gave me two words of advice. MILK IT. Not sure if I'll follow that. Maybe later on when I'm super hot, out of breath, and wondering when the heck our baby will be born already. I'm just not quite there yet.

1 comment:

Scott said...

I can't get your desk at work riht now, so please add "cynthia" to the box.... I always like that name, and plus its family, right. Oh, and as a hedge against some glitch in the results, toss in "Clyde" for me, too.

I'm getting excited for you both.