Tuesday, February 19, 2008

I'm a Walking Disaster

Someone please let me know - does pregnancy make you super clumsy?!?! Since Wednesday, I have grated my knuckles, sliced off part of my middle finger, cut my thumb, gotten a "paper" cut on a Costco cardboard box, dumped a pitcher of Brita water on the floor, and knocked over a big glass of water on our desk (full of papers and pictures and CDs). I swear I am not normally like this!! Am I doomed to 5 more months of this madness???


kljackson15 said...

If pregnancy=clumsiness, I am in BIG trouble if I am ever "with child"

Anonymous said...

ummm I would have to say yes. and then comes the absent mindedness. I was caught a few times putting the cereal in the frig and the milk in the cupboard...one time it was little too late for the poor milk.
but everything goes back to normal after the pregnancy. :)

Anonymous said...

oh just you wait until you start nursing! you will get used to the clumsy, air-headed state you're in. it's all part of motherhood! welcome to the club!
i love you elena,